„It’s the question asked by anyone who’s ever lost a sale: What went wrong? […]“ Die Frage, was schief gegangen sein könnte, wenn ein Deal nicht zustande kommt, diskutiert der folgende HBR Blog-Beitrag in intelligenter und pointierter Weise: http://blogs.hbr.org/cs/2012/09/top_reasons_salespeople_lose_b.html
„Good strategy flows from insight and very skilled judgment“
Solange die Marktreife eines wirklich leistungsfähigen “Strategy Constructors” („Wachstumsziel oben rein – Normstrategien unten raus“) noch auf sich warten lässt, gilt wohl bis auf Weiteres „selber denken“ – und beherzigen, was Richart Rumelt, Professor für Business und Society an der UCLA Anderson School of Management m.E. richtigerweise wie folgt beschreibt:
„Good strategy is coherent action backed by an argument. And the core of the strategist’s work is always the same: discover the crucial factors in a situation and design a way to coordinate and focus actions to deal with them. A strategy is not what you wish would happen. It is a set of practical actions for moving forward. It is not a ‘dog’s dinner’ of all the things various parties would like to see done. It is a focusing of energy and resources on a few key objectives whose accomplishment will make a real difference. Good strategy flows from insight and very skilled judgment.”